Thursday, January 30, 2020

Human Inheritance Essay Example for Free

Human Inheritance Essay Ethical dilemmas are constantly confronting healthcare professionals, which is difficult to deal with as there is no correct solution. These are also known as moral dilemmas as they are situations where there is more than two choices to make and none of the choices is certain to work and can cause complications. An example of this would be ‘You are a patient and are too sick to speak for yourself. You are concerned about who will make medical decisions on your behalf, and whether your wishes will be followed. You wonder, What if they disagree about what I would want, or what would be best for me? ’. Another example of this would be with the economic downturn that you may not be able to afford the funds for food and need to feed your family but the only way in doing this is to steal or let your family starve. These dilemmas are impossible because each person thinks differently and has a different feeling towards it. There are ethical dilemmas surrounding IVF and infertility. Infertility is a genetic problem that affects women; it is not the woman’s fault. With IVF the NHS only gives each woman one free cycle and after that she has to fund it herself. An ethical dilemma with IVF is the possible wrong that is done to the infertile couple or the expected child by the physician. The success of IVF depends on the number of embryos transferred to the woman’s uterus. Because the chance of survival of an embryo in IVF is small the more transfers made the greater the chance of the woman becoming pregnant, it also increases the risk of multiple pregnancies. IVF is not allowed by the Catholic Church because it separates the unitive and the procreative aspects of marriage. To separate the unitive and the procreative aspects of marriage is a mortal sin. In addition the sperm donor commits a mortal sin in order to harvest the sperm which is needed for IVF. Although one human life may be created through the IVF technique, many surplus foetuses, (unborn babies), are destroyed through this process. Other surplus unborn babies are left frozen in the laboratories where they were manufactured as though they were not human beings, but simply consumer goods. They were not created in love through the marriage act as God intends. Multiple births also create danger to the health and well-being of the child. Premature birth and low weight when born are also issues with this, also studies that have been undertaken spina bifida is at a higher risk with children made from IVF. Also the hormones that are taken by the female in order to become pregnant are always at risk of having problems or abnormalities to the unborn child. Aminiocentesis is another ethical dilemma, during the process if abnormalities are found the mother is offered the chance to terminate her pregnancy. The ethical issues surrounding amniocentesis are seen as centring on 4 focal points. First is the policy of the diagnostic treatment centre. Here, 2 questions arise: Is the client involved in a high-risk pregnancy? And, if a positive diagnosis is made, will the parents’ consent to an abortion? Second is the role of the genetic counsellor, which is seen as supportive rather than leading. He should assist the prospective parents in reaching a decision to undergo amniocentesis and possible abortion that is mutually acceptable. The prospective parents, the third focal point, may face the question of deciding what is normal. The clients must also realize the terrible strains that are put on a marriage into which a severely defective child has been born. The fourth focal point is public policy. While amniocentesis may appear to threaten some values held important in our society, the author regards the procedure as an interim solution on the road to an understanding of and ability to treat genetic defects. Contraception is another ethical dilemma as birth control operates before pregnancy begins, and until the sperm fertilises the egg there is nothing that is going to suffer loss and so the issue is very different from the case of abortion. And since the egg and sperm would cease to exist whether fertilisation takes place or not, they cant be said to suffer loss, either. Non-religious arguments about birth control are therefore concerned only with the rights of the parents and with the consequences for those parents and for society in general. The issue of possibly killing a person, and of the rights of the mother versus the rights of the foetus, which dominate the topic of abortion, do not arise. Some people think it’s wrong as it is wrong to interfere with the natural order of the universe. People in certain religions also see it as wrong because of the fact that it is like abortion as some birth control techniques can operate by preventing the implantation and development of a fertilized egg. Those opposed to such methods say that this amounts to an abortion, and that if abortion is wrong then those forms of contraception must also be wrong. http://brendakaren. wordpress. com/2009/04/15/some-moral-and-ethical-issues-concerning-ivf-techniques/ http://www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pubmed/4418247 Contraception!!! http://www. bbc. co. uk/ethics/contraception/contraception_abortion. shtml

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

The Great Depression Essay -- Papers History New Deal Market Crash Ess

The Great Depression The great depression hit the nation quite hard with an un-comparable feeling of instability and weakness. The United States and other nations including Europe and Great Britain were quickly affected. The depression, caused by the fall of the stock market in 1929, caused many individuals to panic and the depression was everywhere by 1932. Many people were affected by the depression. Investors, the ordinary work force and consumers sank rapidly with the panic that spread across the world. The United States tried to gain security through several attempts at restoration. With the help of president Roosevelt and his attempt to restore security with The New Deal the nation would overcome the onset crisis. The ordinary people affected by the crisis experienced many forms of mass unemployment. As the workforce began to panic the anxiety grew stronger. The stress of unemployment and anxiousness forced thus individuals to look to the government for the answers. Governments quickly responded to the anxiety by raising taxes. Which in turn only seemed to make matters worse. The United States attempts at restoring the nation with confidence failed. Some believe that the main reason being that the United States had developed an enormous economy of mass production, but the larger picture consisted of analyzing more than the mass production. Instead there was a problem arising. How would the nation survive with a population of mass production and a decrease in consumption became the main question being analyzed. As the stock market crashed and the United States economy began to as well the U.S. government began to focus on the idea of every nation for themselves. The... ... New Deal solved the depression because it didn?t, but I think that it gave the nation the fundamentals that they needed to solve their problems themselves. All that was missing was the structure and strength in the citizens themselves to reunite as a nation and not as individuals. The New Deal helped many individuals perceive these morals and values by setting the standards for economic equality, limited production, and fairness for the rich and poor and it also provided equality in the field of competition. All in which were needed to be restored. After all we did create The Pledge of Allegiance, which plainly states the fundamentals of The United States by saying we are ?One nation under god, individual with liberty and justice for all.? Meaning justice for all people in our country and resembles the unity we should all feel in our nation together as a whole

Monday, January 13, 2020

Fool Chapter 8

EIGHT A WIND FROM FUCKING FRANCE Hunter was right, of course, he wasn't able to feed Lear's train. We imposed on villages along the way for fare and quarter, but north of Leeds the villages had suffered bad harvests and they could not bear our appetites without starving themselves. I tried to foster good cheer among the knights, while keeping distance from Lear – I had not forgiven the old man for disowning my Cordelia and sending away Drool. Secretly I relished the soldiers' complaints about their lack of comfort, and made no real effort to dampen their rising resentment for the old king. On the fifteenth day of our march, outside of Lint-upon-Tweed, they ate my horse. â€Å"Rose, Rose, Rose – would a horse by any other name taste so sweet?† the knights chanted. They thought themselves clever, slinging such jests while spraying roasted bits of my mount from their greasy lips. The dull always seek to be clever at the fool's expense, to somehow repay him for his cutting wit, but never are they clever, and often are they cruel. Which is why I may never own things, never care for anyone, nor show desire for anything, lest some ruffian, thinking he is funny, take it away. I have secret desires, wants, and dreams, though. Jones is a fine foil, but I should like someday to own a monkey. I would dress him in a tiny jester's suit, of red silk, I think. I would call him Jeff, and he would have his own scepter, that would be called Tiny Jeff. Yes, I should very much like a monkey. He would be my friend – and it would be forbidden to murder, banish, or eat him. Foolish dreams? We were met at the gate of Castle Albany by Goneril's steward, adviser, and chief toady, that most pernicious twat, Oswald. I'd had dealings with the rodent-faced muck-sucker when he was but a footman at the White Tower, when Goneril was still princess at court, and I, a humble jongleur, was found wandering naked amid her royal orbs. But that tale is best left for another time, the scoundrel at the gate impedes our progress. Spidery in appearance as well as disposition, Oswald lurks even when in the open, lurking being his natural state of locomotion. A fine black fuzz he wears for a beard, the same is on his head, when his blue tartan tam is humbled at his heart, which it was not that day. He neither removed his hat nor bowed as Lear approached. The old king was not pleased. He stopped the train an arrow-shot from the castle and waved me forward. â€Å"Pocket, go see what he wants,† said Lear. â€Å"And ask why there is no fanfare for my arrival.† â€Å"But nuncle,[24]† said I. â€Å"Shouldn't the captain of the guard be the one – â€Å" â€Å"Go on, fool! A point is to be made about respect. I send a fool to meet this rascal and put him in his place. Spare no manners, remind the dog that he is a dog.† â€Å"Aye, majesty.† I rolled my eyes at Captain Curan, who almost laughed, then stopped himself, seeing that the king's anger was real. I pulled Jones from my satchel and sallied forth, my jaw set, as determined as the prow of a warship. â€Å"Hail, Castle Albany,† I called. â€Å"Hail, Albany. Hail, Goneril.† Oswald said nothing, did not so much as remove his hat. He looked past me to the king, even when I was standing an arm's length from him. I said: â€Å"King of bloody Britain here, Oswald. I'd suggest you pay proper respect.† â€Å"I'll not lower myself to speak with a fool.† â€Å"Primping little whoreson wanker, innit he?† said the puppet Jones. â€Å"Aye,† said I. Then I spotted a guard in the barbican, looking down on us. â€Å"Hail, Cap'n, seems someone's emptied a privy on your drawbridge and the steaming pile blocks our way.† The guard laughed. Oswald fumed. â€Å"M'lady has instructed me to instruct you that her father's knights are not welcome in the castle.† â€Å"That so? She's actually talking to you, then?† â€Å"I'll not have an exchange with an impudent fool.† â€Å"He's not impudent,† said Jones. â€Å"With proper inspiration, the lad sports a woody as stout as a mooring pin. Ask your lady.† I nodded in agreement with the puppet, for he is most wise for having a brain of sawdust. â€Å"Impudent! Impudent! Not impotent!† Oswald frothing a bit now. â€Å"Oh, well, why didn't you say so,† said Jones. â€Å"Yes, he's that.† â€Å"To be sure,† said I. â€Å"Aye,† said Jones. â€Å"Aye,† said I. â€Å"The king's rabble shall not be permitted in the castle.† â€Å"Aye. That so, Oswald?† I reached up and patted his cheek. â€Å"You should have ordered trumpets and rose petals scattered on our path.† I turned and waved the advance to the train, Curan spurred his horse and the column galloped forward. â€Å"Now get off the bridge or be trampled, you rat-faced little twat.† I strode past Oswald into the castle, pumping Jones in the air as if I was leading cadence for war drummers. I think I should have been a diplomat. As Lear rode by he clouted Oswald on the head with his sheathed sword, knocking the unctuous steward into the moat. I felt my anger for the old man slip a notch. Kent, his disguise now completed by nearly three weeks of hunger and living in the outdoors, fell in behind the train as I had instructed. He looked lean and leathery now, more like an older version of Hunter than the old, overfed knight he had been at the White Tower. I stood to the side of the gate as the column entered and nodded to him as he passed. â€Å"I'm hungry, Pocket. All I had to eat yesterday was an owl.† â€Å"Perfect fare for witch finding, methinks. You're with me to Great Birnam Wood tonight, then?† â€Å"After supper.† â€Å"Aye. If Goneril doesn't poison the lot of us.† Ah, Goneril, Goneril, Goneril – like a distant love chant is her name. Not that it doesn't summon memories of burning urination and putrid discharge, but what romance worth the memory is devoid of the bittersweet? When I first met her, Goneril was but seventeen, and although betrothed to Albany from the age of twelve, she had never seen him. A curious, round-bottomed girl, she had spent her entire life in and around the White Tower, and she'd developed a colossal appetite for knowledge of the outside world, which somehow she thought she could sate by grilling a humble fool. It started on odd afternoons, when she would call me to her chambers, and with her ladies-in-waiting in attendance, ask me all manner of questions her tutors had refused to answer. â€Å"Lady,† said I, â€Å"I am but a fool. Shouldn't you ask someone with position?† â€Å"Mother is dead and Father treats us like porcelain dolls. Everyone else is afraid to speak. You are my fool, it is your duty to speak truth to power.† â€Å"Impeccable logic, lady, but truth be told, I'm here as fool to the little princess.† I was new to the castle, and did not want to be held accountable for telling Goneril something that the king didn't wish her to know. â€Å"Well, Cordelia is having her nap, so until she wakes you are my fool. I so decree it.† The ladies clapped at the royal decree. â€Å"Again, irrefutable logic,† said I to the thick but comely princess. â€Å"Proceed.† â€Å"Pocket, you have traveled the land, tell me, what is it like to be a peasant?† â€Å"Well, milady, I've never been a peasant, strictly speaking, but for the most part, I'm told it's wake early, work hard, suffer hunger, catch the plague, and die. Then get up the next morning and do it all again.† â€Å"Every day?† â€Å"Well, if you're a Christian – on Sunday you get up early, go to church, suffer hunger until you have a big meal of barley and swill, then catch the plague and die.† â€Å"Hunger? Is that why they seem so wretched and unhappy?† â€Å"That would be one of the reasons. But there's much to be said for hard work, disease, run-of-the-mill suffering, and the odd witch burning or virgin sacrifice, depending on your faith.† â€Å"If they are hungry, why don't they just eat something?† â€Å"That is an excellent idea, milady. Someone should suggest that.† â€Å"Oh, I shall make a most excellent duchess, I think. The people will praise me for my wisdom.† â€Å"Most certainly, milady,† said I. â€Å"Your father married his sister, then, did he, love?† â€Å"Heavens no, mother was a Belgian princess, why do you ask?† â€Å"Heraldry is my hobby, go on.† Once we were inside the main curtain wall[25] of Castle Albany, it was clear that we would go no farther. The main keep of the castle stood behind yet another curtain wall and had its own drawbridge, over a dry ditch rather than a moat. The bridge was lowering even as the king approached. Goneril walked out on the drawbridge unaccompanied, wearing a gown of green velvet, laced a bit too tightly. If the intent was to lessen the rise of her bosom it failed miserably, and brought gasps and guffaws from several of the knights until Curan raised his hand for silence. â€Å"Father, welcome to Albany,† said Goneril. â€Å"All hail good king and loving father.† She held out her arms and the anger drained from Lear's face. He climbed down from his horse. I scampered to the king's side and steadied him. Captain Curan signaled and the rest of the train dismounted. As I straightened Lear's cape about his shoulders, I caught Goneril's eye. â€Å"Missed you, pumpkin.† â€Å"Knave,† said she under her breath. â€Å"She was always the most fair of the three,† I said to Lear. â€Å"And certainly the most wise.† â€Å"My lord means to accidentally hang your fool, Father.† â€Å"Ah, well, if accident, there's no fault but Fate,† said I with a grin – pert and nimble spirit of mirth that I am. â€Å"But call then for a spanking of Fate's fickle bottom and hit it good, lady.† I winked and smacked the horse's rump. Wit's arrow hit and Goneril blushed. â€Å"I'll see you hit, you wicked little dog.† â€Å"Enough of that,† said Lear. â€Å"Leave the boy alone. Come give your father a hug.† Jones barked enthusiastically and chanted, â€Å"A fool must hit it. A fool must hit it, hit it good.† The puppet knows a lady's weakness. â€Å"Father,† said she, â€Å"I'm afraid we've accommodation only for you in the castle. Your knights and others will have to make do in the outer bailey.[26] We've quarters and food for them by the stables.† â€Å"But what about my fool?† â€Å"Your fool can sleep in the stable with the rest of the rabble.† â€Å"So be it.† Lear let his eldest lead him into the castle like a milk cow by the nose ring. â€Å"She truly loathes you, doesn't she?† said Kent. He was busy wrapping himself around a pork shoulder the size of a toddler – his Welsh accent actually sounding more natural through the grease and gristle than when clear. â€Å"Not to worry, lad,† said Curan, who had joined us by our fire. â€Å"We'll not let Albany hang you. Will we, lads!?† Soldiers all around us cheered, not sure what they were cheering for, beyond the fact that they were enjoying the first full meal with ale that they'd had since leaving the White Tower. A small village was housed inside the bailey and some of the knights were already wandering off in search of an alehouse and a whore. We were outside the castle, but at least we were out of the wind, and we could sleep in the stables, which the pages and squires had mucked out on our arrival. â€Å"But if we're not welcome in the great hall, then they are not welcome to the talents of the king's fool,† said Curan. â€Å"Sing us a song, Pocket.† A cheer went up around the camp: â€Å"Sing! Sing! Sing!† Kent raised an eyebrow. â€Å"Go ahead, lad, your witches will wait.† I am what I am. I drained my flagon of ale, set it by the fire, then whistled loudly, jumped up, did three somersaults and laid out into a back-flip, wherefrom I landed with Jones pointed at the moon, and said, â€Å"A ballad, then!?† â€Å"Aye!† came the cheer. And ever so sweetly, I crooned the lilting love song â€Å"Shall I Shag My Lady Upon the Shire?† I followed that with a bit of a narrative song by way of a troubadour tradition: â€Å"The Hanging of Willie Wagging William.† Well, everyone likes a story after supper, and by the one-eyed balls of the Cyclops, that one got them clapping, so I slowed it down a bit with the solemn ballad, â€Å"Dragon Spooge Befouled My Bonny Bonny Lass.† Bloody inconsiderate to leave a train of fighting men fighting back tears, so I danced my way around the camp while singing the shanty â€Å"Alehouse Lilly (She'll Bonk You Silly).† I was about to say good night and head out when Curan called for silence and a road-worn herald wearing a great golden fleur-delis on his chest entered the camp. He unrolled his scroll and read. â€Å"Hear ye, hear ye. Let it be known that King Philip the Twenty-seventh of France is dead. God rest his soul. Long live France. Long live the king!† No one â€Å"long lived the king† back at him and he seemed disappointed. Although one knight did murmur â€Å"So?† and another, â€Å"Good bloody riddance.† â€Å"Well, you British pig dogs, Prince Jeff is now king,† said the herald. We all looked at each other and shrugged. â€Å"And Princess Cordelia of Britain is now Queen of France,† the herald added, rather huffy now. â€Å"Oh,† said many, realizing at last at least a glancing relevance. â€Å"Jeff?† said I. â€Å"The bloody frog prince is called Jeff?† I strode to the herald and snatched the scroll out of his hand. He tried to take it back and I clouted him with Jones. â€Å"Calm, lad,† said Kent, taking the scroll from me and handing it back to the herald. â€Å"Merci,† said he to the messenger. â€Å"He took my bloody princess and my monkey's name!† said I, taking another swing with Jones, which missed its mark as Kent was dragging me away. â€Å"You should be pleased,† said Kent. â€Å"Your lady is the Queen of France.† â€Å"And don't think she's not going to rub my nose in that when I see her.† â€Å"Come, lad, let's go find your witches. We'll want to be back by morning in time for Albany to accidentally hang you.† â€Å"Oh, she'd like that, wouldn't she?†

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Summary Of A Framework For Design By Creswell

Summary of ‘A Framework for Design’ by Creswell We now have many choices for research approaches. Author recommends that a general framework be adopted to provide guidance for all stages of research. Using still existing framework also allows researchers formulate ideas recognized by audiences who support proposals for research. This chapter introduces the reader to the three approaches to research quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods approaches. To understand them Creswell considers three framework elements: The type of assumptions which we have to make before starting practical research also known as knowledge claim; general procedures of research called strategies of inquiry and procedures of data collection, analysis, and writing called methods. The 3 research approaches use each of these elements differently. THREE ELEMENTS OF INQUIRY These approaches and elements are closely related in the design of research. Initial step in research is to assess the what kind of knowledge claims brought to use, what kind of strategy of inquiry to consider, and to identify specific methods to be used. Using these three elements, a researcher can then identify either the quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods approach to inquiry. Today’s research approaches are less quantitative than qualitative and more research practices lie in mixed approach (e.g., Newman Benz, 1998). Crotty s (1998) ideas established the groundwork for this framework for finding design process forShow MoreRelatedThe Analysis And Data Collection859 Words   |  4 Pagesincludes the tool that will be used for the data analysis, research philosophies, sampling techniques, and the approaches. 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